“Sunshine and Rosebuds”

Sunshine and rosebuds are two of my favorite things, how about you?  Sugar’s new ensemble is knit with sunshiny yellow bamboo and hand embroidered with tiny pastel rosebuds in pink, blue, and yellow.  Tiny white colonial knot baby’s breath brings in sparkly light and ties the tiny rosebuds together in this mini floral arrangement.

On Sugar’s cute little head is a crocheted cap made in a fine crisp cotton.  I found the narrowest satin pink ribbon in my stash and made her a bow for her cap.  Sugar is feeling mighty happy in her new ensemble, can you tell?  Or, maybe it’s the life sized (for her), stuffed bunny she’s posing with.

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I snapped this photo the other day of Gracie, my Kaye Wiggs MSD, holding Sugar.  She fits so perfectly in her hands.

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“Sunshine and Rosebuds” ensemble for Fairyland’s Pukipuki will be available tonight, March 19, 2016, at 7:00 pm, CST.  Please visit the “Shop What’s New” page at cindyricedesigns.com for more information.

6 thoughts on ““Sunshine and Rosebuds”

  1. Jeanne

    Oh Cindy,
    This has to be one of my favorite photo shoots ever! Every single picture is my favorite and sweeter than the next. I love Sugar hugging the bunny, I adore the picture if Gracie holding her in her hands, and that one where she has her foot kicked back…well that one did me in!
    You know I love seeing your tiny little girls in your hands, so that one is very charming too.
    You never cease to amaze me how you always come up with new designs on the dresses each time. I would have run out of designs long ago.
    Excellent…thanks for starting out my Saturday with this sweet bit of sunshine…
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Cindy Rice Post author

      Awww, thanks Jeanne. You’re so sweet! Sugar had a lot of great ideas for this photo shoot, so all the credit should go to her. She gets very excited over all of the tiny props and loves to pose with the other dolls. I let her do her thing and snap away. lol
      Hope you had some real sunshine today. Here, nothing.
      Thanks so much for you comments, Jeanne!

  2. Joy

    Ditto on Jeanne’s comments! I have had to keep looking back at each shot and see more every time. The hat and dress are special and so beautifully done, but the photos are top notch. I love the one with the bunny probably the best, but then the kicky leg one is so cute. Reminds me of our daughter who used to pose that way. Because of the perspective, you should enter these in a competition. You would win for sure.

    1. Cindy Rice Post author

      Thanks so much, Joy! I got the idea for the kicky leg photo from photos of ladies bending their leg when they’re kissing someone special. Sugar’s someone special is her stuffed bunny. I still have a lot to learn about photography, but thank you, you’re so sweet.

  3. Wendi

    I had to look twice at the photo with little Sugar being held by what I first thought was a real little girl and then realized that it was in fact a dolly-friend! I was thinking “What a lucky little girl to have an outfit just like the gorgeous ones that Cindy makes for the dolls!” What a charming photo of Gracie and Sugar!

    1. Cindy Rice Post author

      Hi Wendi,
      Gracie’s hands turned out to be a perfect fit for holding little Sugar, and of course Sugar is loving every moment of it. I’d better keep my knitting to doll size. I think it would take me months to complete a human sized dress. Thank you, Wendi!


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